Wednesday, January 6, 2010

mandolin Reflection #6

I have continued to work on the mandolin independently from a teacher for now. I have been looking into getting lessons, but it's very hard to commit to staying after when I have so much work and since I don't drive the limited bus schedule limits me. However, I have been practicing playing at least one song a day, and I think that soon I am going to start using mandolin sheet music. For Christmas I received an instructional video on mandolin techniques which I will be putting to use, though I haven't had a chance yet. A good experience I had recently in learning about performance and playing the mandolin was playing with a musician I know. She is from Switzerland and works as an engineer, but she also tours and plays as a musician -- is her website, and she has played concerts and even some festivals. My mom is friends with her sister, so she came over to my house with her family after playing a gig at Liam MacGuire's. She wanted to see the mandolin, and she had brought her guitar so we played together, which was wonderful -- she just told me the chords and I improvised pieces to go along with her, and we actually sounded really good together. It was a bit scary to try and keep up with a legitimate musician, who is a musician as one of her jobs and sources of income, but after a few bars of the first song I was able to play really well with her and sing a bit. It was a good learning experience for playing with other people, even if it was a bit nervewracking. We played about 5 or 6 songs, so we were playing for a while. It was helpful to see a professional playing and what techniques they use (she was playing guitar, but the same techniques apply until you get to more complicated mandolin, which I am not attempting yet), and the experience of getting to play with a real musician. Altogether, I thought it advanced my mandolin self-teaching. I am going to sign up for lessons again after ToK is finished.

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