Friday, April 16, 2010

Ballet Reflection #14

At my last ballet class, we were doing fittings for our tutus for the final performance. I had missed a few classes, so I wasn't really aware of how our dance went. After doing our barre stretches, which came back to me pretty easily, we went over the dance. It was a simple dance for the most part, but it goes very quickly and so it was difficult to keep up at first. There were a number of sotees (leaping arabesques), degegees, glisees and grand jetees -- all basic moves that I had learned and felt comfortable with. It was hard to put them all together to music and also be able to focus on keeping in time with the other girls. However, by the time we had gone over it a few times I was on the same level as the other girls, pretty much -- I plan to practice at home as well. I was exhausted by the end, proof that although I have built up a lot of strength and muscle, ballet continues to push me. I never would have been able to do all that leaping around back in September without fainting on the floor. I also take it as evidence that I have improved because my instructor asked me if I wanted to take a pointe-shoe week long course over the summer. Most people move to pointe shoe after taking ballet for years, so the fact that she thinks I have done well enough in ballet three to move on to ballet 4.

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