Monday, March 22, 2010

DI Reflection #7

I wasn't able to go to DI for a week, but by the time I came back the puppet was nearly finished but still being worked on. I was assigned to do some smaller tasks of creating details and props such as clothes for the puppet. Last year we won a renaissance award for the detail of our set, so I suppose a goal for me this year is to repeat that and keep craftsmanship up to par. I made a double-sided apron, the function of which is the conceal the extra limbs of the puppet when it's flipped upside down. I painted one side with a sports theme, creating an emblem for the team and writing things like "go team!" on it to convey the priorities of the jock-puppet. The other side of the apron is splatter painted to reflect the artistic talents of the character. When the puppet is flipped upside down, the side of the apron exposed will flip and add to the puppet's characterization. I am still concerned about the skit, but we are all good at improv, and so far the craftsmanship of the set I am proud of.

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